
Certification by Registered Actuaries

Certification of:

  • Pension funds
  • Insurance Companies                                                                                                     
  • Models
  • Conversions


Pension Advice

Some examples are:                                                      

  • Development of pension policies and pension schemes (plans)
  • Support employers in finding a pension provider for pensions for their employees
  • Support product development for pension funds and insurance companies
  • Development of financial policy (interest rate, mortality table, investment policy and risk management)
  • Analysing medical plan and AOV
  • Implementation of pension administration


Some examples are:

  • Preparing cost analyses for pension and social insurance schemes
  • Calculation of technical pension provision
  • Valuation (reporting, annual accounts, profitability test)
  • Solvency assessment of financial institutions such as insurance companies and pension funds; opinion on the actuarial provisions
  • Assessment of advice on and assumptions study ( mortality tables, actuarial interest rate, etc.) for pension funds and insurers 
  • Assisting and advising on agreements or arrangements by reinsurance
  • Supervising transitional arrangements by introducing of new law regulation

Assets management advice

Some examples are:

  • ALM studies and Continuity analyses
  • Provide guidance in preparing investment guidelines
  • Monitor compliance with the investment guidelines by your assets managers
  • Provide guidance in the selection of assets managers and fiduciary managers
  • Monitor the funding ratio and report the causes of an increase or decrease in the funding ratio
  • Developing and monitoring procedures for the implementation of the investment policy
  • Advice on current investment opportunities


Some examples are:

  • Setting up an independent pension administration
  • Selecting appropriate partners for outsourcing of certain work
  • Conduction of onsite investigations
  • Change mangement and process optimization
  • Financial administration
  • Excasso
  • Outsourcing front office

IFRS valuation 

For companies that require valuation according IFRS, we provide the calculations and the IAS 19 reports.

Some examples are:

  • Pension obligations
  • Healthy insurance reimbursement after retirement
  • Jubilee benefits
  • “Duurtetoeslag”


  • Setting up an independent employee portal and/or employer portal for pension funds and insurance companies
  • Our experience with pension, actuarial and administration systems, we have enough knowledge we can build the portal and take care of the implementation of this
  • In collaboration with a Dutch company, we use Futurama that have more than 7 million end users in the Netherlands such as: PGGM, TKP, AZL, AEGON, NN

A platform to quickly, flexibly, and easily:

  • Unlock data, edit/enrich data 
  • Link systems together
  • Performs calculations
  • Show, send and save results

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Phenox Curaçao

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